Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Bad Break Ended My Football Career: A Case Study
Thousands of young players are drawn to the fame and fortune that comes with a career in professional football, but one bad break can wreck the dream....

Curling Under the Influence Led to Injury: A Case Study
Curling does not appear to be dangerous, but an ice rink and granite stones don't mix well with alcohol as a Perthshire civil servant discovered....

How I Dealt With an Achilles Problem: A Case Study
Damage to the Achilles is a common and debilitating injury suffered by runners. What are the symptoms to look out for? And what should you do when pain strikes? This…...

How Yoodo Can Help People With Disabilities Enjoy Sport
Initiatives such as Yoodo Sports are providing people with a disability with increasing access to sports and facilities. These opportunities are vital in improving…...

I Developed Shin Splints: A Case Study
When a minor injury becomes a recurring problem it can start to cause a lot of pain and have the athlete questioning their involvement in sport....

Injured in Pole Vault Accident: A Case Study
Pole vault is perhaps the most technically demanding track and field event of all and any slip by an athlete can lead to serious injury....

Is Professional Football Really Becoming More Dangerous?
Serious injury is occurring on a regular basis in the professional game. So why are so many footballers leaving the field on a stretcher? And what can be done to make…...

Junior Baywatch Course in Newquay: A Case Study
Lusty Glaze beach in Cornwall is home to an educational scheme that aims to give younger children a valuable introduction to how to have fun in the sand and shallows…...

Rugby Left Me Paralysed: A Case Study
Very physical, contact sports like rugby union can leave players with severe injuries, but thankfully such incidents are extremely rare....

Swimming Lessons: A Coach's Perspective
Looking to take the plunge and learn to swim? Here are some pointers from professional instructors on how and what you can expect when you hit the water...

Taking Part in Sports With a Blood Disorder: A Case Study
It is a common misconception that a diagnosis of haemophilia means enjoying sport is not an option. However, physical activity is very much what the doctor ordered,…...

Tendon Damage From Snowboarding Accident: A Case Study
Self diagnosis is never a good idea when it comes to sports injuries, because what feels like a simple sprain may turn out to be far more serious....

Using a Caddy for a Bad Back: A Case Study
Thousands of golfers suffer from back pain. Once the diagnosis is made, medical treatment can be supplemented by letting a caddie, human or mechanical, take the strain…...

Virtual Sports on Games Consoles: Safety Issues
Games consoles allow players to experience the glory enjoyed by their real-life heroes, but a bruised ego will be the least of their problems if they don't use the…...