Outdoor Sports...
Below are our articles on the subject of Outdoor Sports. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Basic Fishing Safety
Following basic safety advice and using commonsense can prevent fishermen, whatever their level of experience, from finding themselves in deep water...

Canyoning Safety
Canyoning – what it is, the type of clothing and equipment you should wear. The problems you might encounter and how to stay safe....

Caving & Potholing
Safety guidelines for caving and potholing plus the equipment and clothing you will need to take part....

Horse Riding Safety
Information on starting horse riding how to find a riding school, safety aspects of riding and how to check the tack and saddle....

Rock Climbing Indoors
How to participate in Indoor rock climbing safely, plus a look at techniques and common injuries that can occur while climbing....

Trampolining Safety
Tips for buying the correct trampoline for you and how to use it safely....