Ask Our Experts...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ask Our Experts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Caving and Confined Space Training: What is Best Practice?
As caves are inhospitable places fraught with inherent dangers for explorers, from flooding and falling to hypothermia and losing your way, it is natural to be…...

Is my Grandson Safe to Bungee Jump?
Is my Grandson Safe to Bungee Jump?...

Is there a Routine for the Spa Facilities?
A great escape from the stresses and strains of modern life...

Nutritional Supplements and Muscle Amplifiers in Teenagers?
Most people would like their body to be more toned and have greater strength, but for some this desire can lead them to try and assist this quest using supplements and…...

Should I Go Skiing With Damaged Ligaments?
Ligament injuries can take up to a year to heal fully - care is needed when doing sport in the meantime....

What Are the Rules on Children and Gym Equipment?
Sensible approach to ensuring children stay fit and active...

Will Proanabol Increase Muscle and is it Safe?
body builders and those wishing to tone up in general may find they turn to drugs and substances to help them in their quest but many of these have negative effects on…...