Ball Sports...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ball Sports. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Baseball Safety
Baseball should be about home runs, not hospital visits...

American Football: Equipment Check
The physical challenge is all part of American football. Which is why players wear sophisticated equipment designed to help them stay safe while playing hard....

An Introduction to Crown Green and Lawn Bowls
The traditions of bowls and the rules of crown green bowls and lawn bowls....

An Introduction to Rugby
How rugby began and what led to it being divided into two separate codes with different rules. How rugby has evolved over the years to become a popular sport played…...

Common Football Injuries And Treatment
The three most common types of football injuries how they can be avoided and treated....

Cricket for Kids
Ensuring cricket retains its popularity has led to the development of formats that afford young children the opportunity to experience the excitement of the game in a…...

Different Types Of Football Pitches and Surfacing
Football and the dangers of playing on different surfaces....

Football and Discipline
Seeing red is no way to play the game...

Lacrosse Safety
How lacrosse probably looks more dangerous than it actually is to a casual observer and how safety protective equipment must be worn to minimise the risk of injury.…...

Playing Cricket With a Disability
The success of disability cricket has made the game accessible to a generation of players who otherwise would not have been able to sample the excitement of hitting…...

Playing Golf Safely Without Injury
How to avoid golf injuries by improving fitness and warming-up properly plus safety on the golf course....

Playing Touch Rugby
You don’t have to be tough to play Touch Rugby...

Preventing Hockey Injuries
When the stick strikes the plastic ball, propelling it upwards of 100 mph and a player gets in the path of the ball or swinging stick injury inevitable.
When the…...

Rugby Safety
Protective kit that can be worn at rugby plus the most common injuries and ways that they can be avoided....

Safety Tips For Playing Cricket
Safety tips and equipment for playing cricket plus warm up and warm down exercises....

Stay Safe on the Golf Course
Golf course are a great place to relax and interact with other members. But be alert to the presence of others every time you take a club from your bag...

Staying Safe Whilst Playing Basketball
The measures you can take to ensure that you stay as safe as possible whilst playing basketball. The importance of ensuring the court is safe and that you are wearing…...

Technical Ability in Football
Technical ability plus good technique can help you avoid injury....

USA Hockey Confronts Safety Concerns for Under 13s
Encouraging children to play ice hockey must involve engaging with parents through competition rules that reassure them their young ones can play the game in safety....

Where to Play Bowls
Locate your nearest green and get bowling!...